You can utilize the way that your organization is ISO 9001:2015 certified in your marketing. Your management system and its procedures have been ensured to ISO 9001 so you would like to discuss your fruitful enlistment to ISO 9001 similarly as long as you don’t propose that your items are confirmed or that you are certified by ISO, which is the thing that ISO certified suggests.
What can’t you do with ISO?
- ISO is a brand and intellectual property, So you can’t use or modify ISO logo.
- You can not say ISO 9001 certified or ISO certified, You must spell it out as — we are ISO 9001:2015 certified.
- You can not be use ISO 9001:2015 on your products or used in literature to imply product certification because it is not a product certification It’s a company certification.
- You should be cautious with your scope so it legitimately delineates your confirmed activities and geographic areas.